bridging gaps,
empowering tomorrow!
Together we share and learn

Welcome to “Bridging Gaps, Empowering Tomorrow,” a blog dedicated to helping you navigate the ever-evolving landscape of business, skills and careers. In an age where technology and industry demands change rapidly, it’s crucial to stay ahead by continually learning and adapting. Our mission is to speak about the emerging skill gaps and provide insights, strategies, and resources to empower you and your organization to bridge those gaps effectively.
We aim to equip our audience with the knowledge and ideas necessary to thrive in the future of work. Join us or share your stories with us to embark on this journey of continuous growth and empowerment, and let’s build a brighter tomorrow together.
Do we still need Human Touch? Gen AI is a hot topic today, and we heard Gen AI can eliminate lots of repetitive task, but can they take away human touch entirely? I’ve been hearing a lot about Generative AI (Gen AI) and how it’s becoming an essential tool for many people. I use it…
Last week, one of my friends posted in our chat that some parents were upset about a teacher’s grading of a mathematical answer provided by a year one student. The mathematical question, written in Bahasa Malaysia, stated: “Ahmad membeli sebuah buku dan dua batang pensel seperti di bawah. Hitungkan jumlah wang yang perlu dibayar.” The…
We have been busy the last couple of months as we noticed digital transformation is taking place rapidly especially with the inception of Generative AI (Gen AI) for both businesses and individuals. We are all aware that Gen AI and data-driven AI can be used for a variety of tasks, and it has benefited organizations…
BYOAI, are you one of them? Now I understand why my associate kept harping on, “The first step to managing cybersecurity threats is to understand the relationship between information and the information system,” in his cybersecurity program. Recently, the concept of “Bringing Your Own AI to Work” (BYOAI) has been gaining traction in Malaysia. This…